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Gets popular subreddit posts or user profile content from Reddit
Tool ID

Tool Content
title: Reddit
author: @nathanwindisch
version: 0.0.1
- 0.0.1 - Initial upload to openwebui community.
- 0.0.2 - Renamed from "Reddit Feeds" to just "Reddit".
- 0.0.3 - Updated author_url in docstring to point to 
          git repo.

import re
import json
import requests
from typing import Awaitable, Callable
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from requests.models import Response

def parse_reddit_page(response: Response):
	data = json.loads(response.content)
	output = []
	if "data" not in data: return output
	if "children" not in data["data"]: return output
	for item in data["data"]["children"]: output.append(item)
	return output

def parse_posts(data: list):
	posts = []
	for item in data:
		if item["kind"] != "t3": continue
		item = item["data"]
			"id": item["name"],
			"title": item["title"],
			"description": item["selftext"],
			"link": item["url"],

			"author_username": item["author"],
			"author_id": item["author_fullname"],
			"subreddit_name": item["subreddit"],
			"subreddit_id": item["subreddit_id"],
			"subreddit_subscribers": item["subreddit_subscribers"],

			"score": item["score"],
			"upvotes": item["ups"],
			"downvotes": item["downs"],
			"upvote_ratio": item["upvote_ratio"],
			"total_comments": item["num_comments"],
			"total_crossposts": item["num_crossposts"],
			"total_awards": item["total_awards_received"],
			"domain": item["domain"],
			"flair_text": item["link_flair_text"],
			"media_embed": item["media_embed"],

			"is_pinned": item["pinned"],
			"is_self": item["is_self"],
			"is_video": item["is_video"],
			"is_media_only": item["media_only"],
			"is_over_18": item["over_18"],
			"is_edited": item["edited"],
			"is_hidden": item["hidden"],
			"is_archived": item["archived"],
			"is_locked": item["locked"],
			"is_quarantined": item["quarantine"],
			"is_spoiler": item["spoiler"],
			"is_stickied": item["stickied"],
			"is_send_replies": item["send_replies"],

			"published_at": item["created_utc"],
	return posts

def parse_comments(data: list):
	comments = []
	for item in data:
		if item["kind"] != "t1": continue
		item = item["data"]
			"id": item["name"],
			"body": item["body"],
			"link": item["permalink"],
			"post_id": item["link_id"],
			"post_title": item["link_title"],
			"post_link": item["link_permalink"],

			"author_username": item["author"],
			"author_id": item["author_fullname"],
			"subreddit_name": item["subreddit"],
			"subreddit_id": item["subreddit_id"],

			"score": item["score"],
			"upvotes": item["ups"],
			"downvotes": item["downs"],
			"total_comments": item["num_comments"],
			"total_awards": item["total_awards_received"],
			"is_edited": item["edited"],
			"is_archived": item["archived"],
			"is_locked": item["locked"],
			"is_quarantined": item["quarantine"],
			"is_stickied": item["stickied"],
			"is_send_replies": item["send_replies"],
			"published_at": item["created_utc"],
	return comments

class Tools:
	def __init__(self): pass

	class UserValves(BaseModel):
		USER_AGENT: str = Field(
			default="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
			description="The user agent to use when making requests to Reddit."

	async def get_subreddit_feed(
		subreddit: str,
		__event_emitter__: Callable[[dict], Awaitable[None]],
		__user__: dict = {},
	) -> str:
		Get the latest posts from a subreddit, as an array of JSON objects with the following properties: 'id', 'title', 'description', 'link', 'author_username', 'author_id', 'subreddit_name', 'subreddit_id', 'subreddit_subscribers', 'score', 'upvotes', 'downvotes', 'upvote_ratio', 'total_comments', 'total_crossposts', 'total_awards', 'domain', 'flair_text', 'media_embed', 'is_pinned', 'is_self', 'is_video', 'is_media_only', 'is_over_18', 'is_edited', 'is_hidden', 'is_archived', 'is_locked', 'is_quarantined', 'is_spoiler', 'is_stickied', 'is_send_replies', 'published_at'.
		:param subreddit: The subreddit to get the latest posts from.
		:return: A list of posts with the previously mentioned properties, or an error message.
		headers = { "User-Agent": __user__["valves"].USER_AGENT }
		await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Starting retrieval for r/{subreddit}'s Reddit Feed...", "status": "in_progress", "done": False }, "type": "status" })

		if subreddit == "":
			await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Error: No subreddit provided.", "status": "complete", "done": True }, "type": "status" })
			return "Error: No subreddit provided"
		subreddit = subreddit.replace("/r/", "").replace("r/", "")

		if not re.match(r"^[A-Za-z0-9_]{2,21}$", subreddit):
			await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Error: Invalid subreddit name '{subreddit}' (either too long or two short).", "status": "complete", "done": True }, "type": "status" })
			return "Error: Invalid subreddit name"

			response = requests.get(f"{subreddit}.json", headers=headers)

			if not response.ok:
				await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Error: Failed to retrieve r/{subreddit}'s Reddit Feed: {response.status_code}.", "status": "complete", "done": True }, "type": "status" })
				return f"Error: {response.status_code}"
				output = parse_posts(parse_reddit_page(response))
				await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Retrieved {len(output)} posts from r/{subreddit}'s Reddit Feed.", "status": "complete", "done": True }, "type": "status" })
				return json.dumps(output)
		except Exception as e:
			await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Failed to retrieve any posts from r/{subreddit}'s Reddit Feed: {e}.", "status": "complete", "done": True }, "type": "status" })
			return f"Error: {e}"

	async def get_user_feed(
		username: str,
		__event_emitter__: Callable[[dict], Awaitable[None]],
		__user__: dict = {},
	) -> str:
		Get the latest posts from a given user, as a JSON object with an array of 'post' objects with the following properties: 'id', 'title', 'description', 'link', 'author_username', 'author_id', 'subreddit_name', 'subreddit_id', 'subreddit_subscribers', 'score', 'upvotes', 'downvotes', 'upvote_ratio', 'total_comments', 'total_crossposts', 'total_awards', 'domain', 'flair_text', 'media_embed', 'is_pinned', 'is_self', 'is_video', 'is_media_only', 'is_over_18', 'is_edited', 'is_hidden', 'is_archived', 'is_locked', 'is_quarantined', 'is_spoiler', 'is_stickied', 'is_send_replies', 'published_at'.
		Additionally, the resultant object will also contain an array of 'comment' objects with the following properties: 'id', 'body', 'link', 'post_id', 'post_title', 'post_link', 'author_id', 'post_author_username', 'subreddit_name', 'subreddit_id', 'subreddit_subscribers', 'score', 'upvotes', 'downvotes', 'total_comments', 'total_awards', 'is_edited', 'is_archived', 'is_locked', 'is_quarantined', 'is_stickied', 'is_send_replies', 'published_at'.
		:param username: The username to get the latest posts from.
		:return: A object with list of posts and a list of comments (both with the previously mentioned properties), or an error message.
		headers = { "User-Agent": __user__["valves"].USER_AGENT }
		await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Starting retrieval for u/{username}'s Reddit Feed...", "status": "in_progress", "done": False }, "type": "status" })

		if username == "":
			await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Error: No username provided.", "status": "complete", "done": True }, "type": "status" })
			return "Error: No username provided."
		username = username.replace("/u/", "").replace("u/", "")

		if not re.match(r"^[A-Za-z0-9_]{3,20}$", username):
			await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Error: Invalid username '{username}' (either too long or two short).", "status": "complete", "done": True }, "type": "status" })
			return "Error: Invalid username."

			response = requests.get(f"{username}.json", headers=headers)

			if not response.ok:
				await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Error: Failed to retrieve u/{username}'s Reddit Feed: {response.status_code}.", "status": "complete", "done": True }, "type": "status" })
				return f"Error: {response.status_code}"
				page = parse_reddit_page(response) # user pages can have both posts and comments.
				posts = parse_posts(page)
				comments = parse_comments(page)
				await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Retrieved {len(posts)} posts and {len(comments)} comments from u/{username}'s Reddit Feed.", "status": "complete", "done": True }, "type": "status" })
				return json.dumps({ "posts": posts, "comments": comments })
		except Exception as e:
			await __event_emitter__({ "data": { "description": f"Failed to retrieve any posts from u/{username}'s Reddit Feed: {e}.", "status": "complete", "done": True }, "type": "status" })
			return f"Error: {e}"