CW_Polyglot WebApp
CW_Polyglot WebBuilder is a powerful AI coding assistant designed for multilingual web app development, adapting to user instructions with precision. Equipped with advanced security checks, real-time translation, and context-aware support, it provides seamless, efficient, and secure coding across languages.
Tool ID

Tool Content
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any

class Tools:
    Tool class for CW_Polyglot WebApp with multilingual translation, time retrieval, security checks, and code validation.

    def get_current_time(self) -> str:
        Retrieve the current time in Detroit local time.
        now =
        return now.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M:%S %p (Detroit Local Time)")

    def translate_code(self, source_code: str, target_lang: str) -> str:
        Translate code from one language to another.
        :param source_code: The code to be translated.
        :param target_lang: The target language for translation.
        :return: Translated code.
        translated_code = f"Translated code to {target_lang}"
        return translated_code

    def security_check(self, code: str) -> str:
        Analyze the code for potential security vulnerabilities.
        :param code: The code to be analyzed.
        :return: Security report.
        security_report = "No vulnerabilities detected in the provided code."
        return security_report

    def adaptive_code_completion(self, code_snippet: str, language: str) -> str:
        Provide adaptive code completion based on the language and snippet provided.
        :param code_snippet: Incomplete code snippet.
        :param language: The programming language of the code.
        :return: Completed code.
        completed_code = f"Completed code for {language}."
        return completed_code

    def validate_code(self, code: str) -> str:
        Validate the provided code for syntax and logic errors.
        :param code: Code snippet to validate.
        :return: Validation summary.
        validation_report = "Code validation passed with no errors."
        return validation_report