import sympy as sp
class Tools:
def __init__(self):
self.citation = True
def calculator(self, equation: str) -> str:
Calculate the numeric result of an equation safely. All trigonometric functions are evaluated in radians.
:param equation: The equation to calculate.
:return: The result of the equation.
# Parse the equation using sympy
equation = equation.lower()
newequation = equation.replace("radians", "(pi/180)*")
expr = sp.sympify(newequation)
result = expr.evalf()
return f"{equation} = {result}"
except (sp.SympifyError, ValueError) as e:
return "Invalid equation"
# Example usage
tools = Tools()
result = tools.calculator("3 + 5 * (2 - 8)")
print(result) # Output: 3 + 5 * (2 - 8) = -25.0000000000000