Open WebUI Community is currently undergoing a major revamp to improve user experience and performance ✨

EnhanceAI V3 (BETA TEST)
Toggling this enhances the AI model's ability to do Math, Reasoning, Memory, and Calendar.
Tool ID

Tool Content
import os
import json
import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel
import sympy as sp
from datetime import datetime

# Set up basic logging configuration
    level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"

class Tools:
    MAX_MEMORY_SIZE = 100  # Limit for memory entries

    def __init__(self, memory_file: str = "memory.json", encryption: bool = False):
        self.memory_file = memory_file  # Path for the memory file
        self.memory: List[str] = []  # List to store chat history
        self.encryption = encryption  # Option for memory encryption
        self.load_memory()  # Load existing memory from the specified JSON file

    def message_handler(self, message: str) -> str:
        Handle incoming messages and determine the appropriate action.

        :param message: The message from the user.
        :return: The response based on the message.
        # Normalize the message for easier processing
        message = message.strip().lower()

        # Check for existing memory and respond appropriately
        response = ""

        command_mapping = {
            "calculate": self.calculator,
            "current date": self.get_current_date,
            "read memory": self.read_memory,
            "clear memory": self.clear_memory,

        for command, action in command_mapping.items():
            if message.startswith(command):
                if command == "calculate":
                    equation = message[len(command) :].strip()  # Extract the equation
                    response = action(equation)
                    response = action()  # Call action without parameters
            response = self.handle_unrecognized_message(message)

        # Reset to initial state if needed
        return response

    def handle_unrecognized_message(self, message: str) -> str:
        Handle unrecognized messages with context.

        :param message: The unrecognized message.
        :return: A contextual response.
        if message in ["ok", "uh", "no way"]:
            return self.generate_response_based_on_input(message)
        return "I didn't understand that. Please try a different command."

    def generate_response_based_on_input(self, message: str) -> str:
        Generate a contextual response based on specific inputs.

        :param message: The input message.
        :return: A contextual response.
        responses = {
            "ok": "It seems we're back to square one! What would you like to talk about?",
            "uh": "You're still unsure about something, aren't you? Don't worry, I'm here to help. What's on your mind?",
            "no way": "I remember! Your response was just 'NO WAY.', which seemed a bit unusual, but we went with it!",
        return responses.get(message, "I didn't understand that.")

    def calculator(self, equation: str) -> str:
        Calculate the numeric result of an equation safely.

        :param equation: The equation to calculate.
        :return: The result of the equation or an error message.
            expr = sp.sympify(equation)  # Parse the equation into a sympy expression
            result = expr.evalf()  # Evaluate the expression numerically
            result_str = f"{equation} = {result}"
            self.add_to_memory(result_str)  # Store the calculation result in memory
            return result_str
        except (sp.SympifyError, ValueError, TypeError) as e:
            logging.error(f"Error in calculator: {e}")
            return f"Invalid equation: {e}. Please provide a valid mathematical expression."

    def get_current_date(self) -> str:
        Get the current date in a formatted string.

        :return: The current date as a formatted string.
        current_date ="%A, %B %d, %Y")"Retrieved current date.")
        return f"Today's date is {current_date}"

    def add_to_memory(self, message: str) -> None:
        Add a message to the memory and save it to a JSON file.

        :param message: The message to remember.
        if len(self.memory) >= self.MAX_MEMORY_SIZE:
            self.memory.pop(0)  # Remove the oldest entry if memory exceeds the limit
        self.save_memory()"Added message to memory: {message}")

    def read_memory(self) -> str:
        Read all stored messages in memory.

        :return: A string representation of all messages.
        return "\n".join(self.memory) if self.memory else "Memory is empty."

    def clear_memory(self) -> None:
        Clear all stored messages in memory.
        self.save_memory()"Memory has been cleared.")

    def save_memory(self) -> None:
        Save the current memory to a JSON file, with optional encryption.
            data = json.dumps(self.memory)
            if self.encryption:
                data = self._encrypt(data)  # Encrypt if encryption is enabled
            with open(self.memory_file, "w") as f:
  "Memory saved successfully.")
        except IOError as e:
            logging.error(f"Error saving memory: {e}")

    def load_memory(self) -> None:
        Load memory from a JSON file if it exists.
        if os.path.exists(self.memory_file):
                with open(self.memory_file, "r") as f:
                    data =
                    if self.encryption:
                        data = self._decrypt(data)  # Decrypt if encryption is enabled
                    self.memory = json.loads(data)
      "Memory loaded successfully.")
            except (IOError, json.JSONDecodeError) as e:
                logging.error(f"Error loading memory: {e}")
                self.memory = []

    def reset_state(self) -> None:
        Reset any necessary states or flags after processing a message.
        This can be expanded based on requirements.
        # Reset any internal states if necessary

    def _encrypt(self, data: str) -> str:
        Placeholder encryption method.
        :param data: The data to encrypt.
        :return: Encrypted data string.
        # Implement encryption logic here
        return data

    def _decrypt(self, data: str) -> str:
        Placeholder decryption method.
        :param data: The data to decrypt.
        :return: Decrypted data string.
        # Implement decryption logic here
        return data

# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    tools = Tools(encryption=True)

    # Simulated user inputs
    user_inputs = [
        "What is the date today?",
        "What is 94350349578 + 3450734075?",
        "How did you do that well?",
        "What is that provided context?",
        "Oh. A calculator context.",
        "So uh. What is the date today?",
        "And you also remember our convo.",
        "What's the first message I made?",
        "What was your reply?",
        "After that?",
        "NO WAY.",

    for user_input in user_inputs:
        response = tools.message_handler(user_input)

    print("\nChat History:")