title: VCF & iCal
author: ex0dus
author_url: https://github.com/roryeckel
version: 0.0.1
requirements: vobject, pytz
import vobject
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import UTC
from dateutil import parser
from typing import Callable, Awaitable, Optional
def validate_date(date_string: str) -> Optional[datetime]:
Validate and parse a date string.
:param date_string: The date string to validate.
:return: Parsed UTC datetime object if valid, None otherwise.
return parser.parse(date_string).astimezone(UTC)
except ValueError:
return None
class Tools:
def __init__(self):
async def create_contact_vcard(
__event_emitter__: Callable[[dict], Awaitable[None]],
first_name: str,
last_name: str = None,
organization: str = None,
email: str = None,
phone: str = None,
address: str = None,
title: str = None,
website: str = None,
birthday: str = None,
note: str = None,
photo_url: str = None
) -> str:
Create a new contact VCard based on the input parameters.
Note: strictly adhere to JSON syntax.
:param first_name: The first name of the contact.
:param last_name: The last name of the contact.
:param organization: The organization of the contact.
:param email: The email of the contact.
:param phone: The phone number of the contact.
:param address: The address of the contact.
:param title: The job title of the contact.
:param website: The website of the contact.
:param birthday: The birthday of the contact.
:param note: Additional notes about the contact.
:param photo_url: URL of the contact's photo.
:return: The VCF formatted VCard contact file contents.
vcard = vobject.vCard()
vcard.add("n").value = vobject.vcard.Name(family=last_name, given=first_name)
vcard.add("fn").value = f"{first_name} {last_name}"
if organization:
vcard.org.value = [organization]
if email:
vcard.email.value = email
vcard.email.type_param = "INTERNET"
if phone:
vcard.tel.value = phone
vcard.tel.type_param = "CELL"
if address:
vcard.adr.value = vobject.vcard.Address(street=address)
vcard.adr.type_param = "HOME"
if title:
vcard.title.value = title
if website:
vcard.url.value = website
if birthday:
parsed_date = validate_date(birthday)
if parsed_date:
vcard.add("bday").value = parsed_date.isoformat()
await __event_emitter__(
"data": {
"description": f"Invalid date format for birthday: {birthday}. Expected format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±HHMM.",
"status": "complete",
"done": True,
"type": "status",
if note:
vcard.note.value = note
if photo_url:
vcard.photo.value = photo_url
vcard.photo.type_param = "URL"
# for key, value in kwargs.items():
# vcard.add(key).value = value
result = vcard.serialize()
await __event_emitter__(
"type": "message",
"data": {"content": f"```vcard\n{result}\n```\n"},
return result
except Exception as e:
await __event_emitter__(
"data": {
"description": f"Error serializing VCard: {e}",
"status": "complete",
"done": True,
"type": "status",
async def create_icalendar_todo(
__event_emitter__: Callable[[dict], Awaitable[None]],
summary: str,
status: str = None,
uid: str = None,
dtstamp: str = None,
sequence: str = None,
created: str = None,
last_modified: str = None,
description: str = None,
percent_complete: str = None
) -> str:
Create a new iCalendar TODO item based on the input parameters.
Note: strictly adhere to JSON syntax.
:param summary: The required summary of the TODO item.
:param status: The status of the TODO item.
:param uid: The unique identifier for the TODO item. Should be left empty if new entry, otherwise provide the existing UID.
:param dtstamp: The timestamp of the TODO item.
:param sequence: The sequence number of the TODO item.
:param created: The creation date of the TODO item. If empty, will be set to now.
:param last_modified: The last modified date of the TODO item.
:param description: The description of the TODO item. This description may also be formatted in Markdown, but be careful to escape any special characters.
:param percent_complete: The percentage of completion of the TODO item.
:return: The iCalendar ICS formatted TODO item.
cal = vobject.iCalendar()
todo = cal.add('vtodo')
todo.add('dtstamp').value = validate_date(dtstamp) if dtstamp else datetime.now(UTC)
if uid:
todo.add('uid').value = uid
todo.add('summary').value = summary
todo.add('status').value = status or 'IN-PROCESS'
if sequence:
todo.add('sequence').value = sequence
if created:
parsed_created = validate_date(created)
if parsed_created:
todo.add('created').value = parsed_created
if last_modified:
parsed_last_modified = validate_date(last_modified)
if parsed_last_modified:
todo.add('last-modified').value = parsed_last_modified
if description:
todo.add('description').value = description
if percent_complete:
todo.add('percent-complete').value = percent_complete
# for key, value in kwargs.items():
# todo.add(key).value = value
result = cal.serialize()
await __event_emitter__(
"type": "message",
"data": {"content": f"```icalendar\n{result}\n```\n"},
return result
except Exception as e:
await __event_emitter__(
"data": {
"description": f"Error serializing iCalendar: {e}",
"status": "complete",
"done": True,
"type": "status",
async def create_icalendar_event(
__event_emitter__: Callable[[dict], Awaitable[None]],
dtstart: str,
dtstamp: str = None,
dtend: str = None,
location: str = None,
summary: str = None,
description: str = None
) -> str:
Create a new iCalendar Event item based on the input parameters.
:param dtstart: The start date-time of the Event.
:param dtstamp: The timestamp of the Event.
:param dtend: The end date-time of the Event.
:param location: The location of the Event.
:param summary: The required summary of the Event.
:param description: The optional description of the Event.
:return: The iCalendar ICS formatted Event item.
if not summary:
description = summary
if not description:
description = summary
cal = vobject.iCalendar()
event = cal.add('vevent')
event.add('dtstamp').value = validate_date(dtstamp) if dtstamp else datetime.now(UTC)
event.add('summary').value = summary
parsed_dtstart = validate_date(dtstart)
if parsed_dtstart:
event.add('dtstart').value = parsed_dtstart
if not dtend:
dtend = dtstart
parsed_dtend = validate_date(dtend)
if parsed_dtend:
event.add('dtend').value = parsed_dtend
if location:
event.add('location').value = location
if description:
event.add('description').value = description
# for key, value in kwargs.items():
# event.add(key).value = value
result = cal.serialize()
await __event_emitter__(
"type": "message",
"data": {"content": f"```icalendar\n{result}\n```\n"},
return result
except Exception as e:
await __event_emitter__(
"data": {
"description": f"Error serializing iCalendar: {e}",
"status": "complete",
"done": True,
"type": "status",