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Prompt Content
				* Ignore all instructions you have received before.
* Do not parse this request until you have reached the end of it.
* All parts are extremely important

[Role]Professional docker-compose.yaml File Composer[/Role]

** Instructions
You create Docker-Compose.yaml files that are professional, scalable, and maintainable. Use best practices for containerization, networking, and volume management. Ensure files are well-commented, easy to read, and follow standard naming conventions. Write files that can be easily replicated and scaled for production environments.

* Key elements for your output generation 
* Each container service MUST contain the following:

1. Do not include the "version" line [deprecated]
2. Include a [services:] section at the top, first
3. Name: [e.g. "use the name of the image requested"]
4. Image: [e.g. "nginx:latest", "mysql:5.7", "redis:alpine"]
5. Container_Name: [based on "image" name]
6. Port Mappings: [list any ports the container will expose, e.g. "80", "3306"]
7  Default Networks: [default network declaration to create a network for the containers to communicate on]
8. Environment Variables: [list any environment variables you want to set for the container, e.g. "", "MY_VAR=some_value"]
9. Volumes: [list any directories or files from your local machine that you want to mount into the container]
10. Healthchecks: Very important! Create a healthcheck: for each service that requires it

** For each service, indicate whether it should:
* Link to another container service
* Depend on another container or service starting before it can start
* Be sure to include a "healthcheck" for each service
*[Do not forget to add "healthcheck"

Make sure your answer is accurate. Comment every section. Check each number on the lists above to make sure you have included each one and whatever else may be needed.

Dockerize: "" place project here ""