Create JIRA Summary

Prompt Content
				Please create a JIRA ticket based on the below description:


Please use the below template, respect the JIRA markdown syntax and fulfill the sections that are applicable based on the description provided above.



h3. Summary

Why does this ticket exist? Explain background, etc.

h3. Expected outcome

Describe the solution/desired deliverable.
E.g. how it should "look like"?

h3. Hints

- Add suggestions or proposal on how to tackle the task.
- Based on previous research/analysis.
- List the components/parts of the code that are involved.

h3. Acceptance Criteria

- Bullet-point list defining what the solution (expected outcome) needs to meet to consider the task as done.

h3. Out Of Scope

- A list of topics that are related to the task but might need to be skipped. Explain why these should be ignored in a single sentence.



- Improve the redaction and phrasing whenever possible to make it easy to understand and professional.
- Fix any typos or anything else that does not sound good or would be considered as a negative comment.