To Run Docker Container try: docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx
To see all active Docker containers, you can use: docker ps This command displays a list of active containers along with useful details like container ID, image, status, and more.
Docker and Podman are both containerization tools but differ in architecture. Docker requires a daemon and works with Docker Hub by default, while Podman is daemonless, allowing rootless containers and easier integration with OCI standards..
To attach a volume to your Docker container, run: docker run -v /host/path:/container/path <image-name> Replace `/host/path` and `/container/path` with the paths on your host machine and inside the container, respectively.
For production-ready Docker images, here are some best practices: Use multi-stage builds to minimize image size.\n- Choose a minimal base image (e.g., Alpine).\n- Remove unused packages and files. Leverage Docker's caching mechanisms by ordering instructions strategically in your Dockerfile.